Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Review Novel

 Riview Novel dalam Bahasa Inggris

Title                             : Tak Sempurna
author                          : Fahid Jibran,Bondan Prakoso and fade 2 Black
publisher                       : Kurniaesa Publishing
Publication Year          : Februari 2013 
number Of Pages         : 245
size                               : 13,5 x 20,5 cm
Price                             : Rp. 46.000,-

True to its title, the lives we live is not perfect. There is much to be sacrificed to get what we want perfection. Life should not be perfectly happy. Due to the imperfect, we would be more understanding of what it is to live. Good read not only for students, but also parents, teachers, or educational and moral observer. This reading is more perfect if accompanied by the strains of songs Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black which is becoming a part of this novel.

     We live in a world that is not perfect. When morning forced us to go to school to work hard for the future is not clear. Teachers like dictator who terrorized us for future tree planting uniform, rote watered and nurtured a series of exams that make us fear.
     We were the children of garbage, like Lady observer said Mr and education,  No future! Then we blow up our anger and sadness in the streets,  So the fight or fights.  We break our cystic acne with puberty nude scenes in front of the camera or in dark places are confidential. We celebrate our grief with drugs.
     But where the parents when we miss their affection? Why are they always busy? Where government, law enforcement and religious leaders? Why moral lessons never seriously we get from our environment is real? In whom we can cry shoulder? In whom chest we could find a sense of pride and self-confidence?
    For the sake of our happiness and play time are taken, captured, summarized and rounded up, we declare war on all forms of robbery and treason against our rights - both as children and as human beings.
SOS( save our soul)

This novel can bring us as if seen firsthand the events narrated. As if the writer actually experienced. Then he told me directly in front of us.
Still there are typing errors, such as on page 49, the word is written justified true, 209 pages written words begin to expand.

The story is simple and gives a lot of messages about good manners as Indonesian educated all of which are summarized in this one book. End all be folly for generations Invincible.

For all people, especially students and Rezpector universal feast.

Nama               : Amelia Rizka Pratiwi
Kelas               : 4EA14
NPM               : 13211407